
Persuing my glow

The Purpose

From Science to Wellness

If you look through the lenses of engineering, life is a wicked problem. You can't calculate it or predict it. So what do you do? You design it, you get curious, ask questions, experiment, learn something, understand it and do it all again until you get an idea of how to live your life in the most meaningful and well way possible.

Learning and emboding what makes us live longer, healthier & happier is my focus, here is my story:

Hi, I'm Federico Jara
I was born into a Chilean architectural family, immersed in design and the arts. However, my curiosity and connection to nature steered me towards the biological sciences - echoing Leonardo Da Vinci's words: 'Study the science of art, study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects with everything else.'

I embarqued on a journey of understanding to try to comprehend life, my life, and to hopefully contribute to something in the world.

From Science
As a scientist, my training instilled in me the confidence to question everything. This led me to explore the realm of plant medicines, which significantly aided my self-development journey. These substances have been instrumental in enhancing my understanding of both myself and the universe. Because of this, I focus on developing bio-synthetic systems. These systems are designed to produce Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) compliant cannabinoids and psychedelic molecules, targeting the medical, mental health, and wellness markets in the European Union.
I thought I was on the road to bring wellness to people, on paper it sounded great, but it didn't feel right. Working at the lab to try provide for Big Pharma and, being just another part of the supply chain, was not really what I felt I needed to do.

I realized I was disconnected from the reality that I was researching. I was not even bringing wellbeing or mental health to myself.  
to Wellness
I decided to take my wellbeing and what I was feeling seriously and realize how in reality I was negleting many things.

Driven by a quest for answers and guided by my dedication as a scientist, I embarked on a journey of discovery. I uncovered the profound significance of connection and balance, and how the energy we perceive binds us together. My exploration led me to delve into the realms of the biofield or bio-energy, uncovering its intricate connections with spirituality, psychedelics, consciousness, mental health, and well-being. I embraced Reiki, an ancient tool of bioenergy healing. I reached a point of no return in my transformative journey.

For a long time this is was me. I craved cheat days so much.


Here I could see the view after a long road. An understanding that it takes time, and becoming the person.

Federico Jara

I continue to develop my health and wellbeing. My dirty secret? I would like to live until 150 years old.

Because of it, I created Wellness by Design, a platform to keepme in line and share awareness and wisdom.

The purpose: Offer science knowledge that can really target deep transformations making a difference in the way individuals see life, health and manage their wellbeing.

''Nobody can live life for you, you are the master of your own destiny. Become aware of the unique power you can develop''.

Federico Jara

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